Your candidates for the 2024 MFOA Board of Directors Election, and Vice-President Election are listed below. This year, the Vice-President is acclaimed and there are three (3) Director positions available for the term commencing on January 1, 2025 and ending on December 31, 2027. Click on the "More" link to see their full bio.

The election will begin on Thursday, July 11. If you are a designated voter for your municipality, you will receive a ballot with further instructions on that day.

The Candidates

22Stephanie NagelFinance colleagues, I look forward to continuing my work on the MFOA Board in the role of Vice President for 2025.

I am a seasoned professional in municipal finance and have been on the MFOA Board as a Director for the last four years. I have enjoyed the experience and see value in the organization. I believe the training opportunities including the annual conference are essential to municipal finance staff and MFOA is a much- needed resource center that can bring us all together on joint issues.

I have been working in municipal finance for over 25 years and have a wide range of experience. I have my accounting designation CPA, CGA (2001) and I completed a master’s in public administration (MPA) from the University of Western Ontario’s local government program (2012). I am from Niagara Region and attended Brock University for my undergraduate business degree. I am currently employed with the City of Welland as General Manager Corporate & Enterprise Services/CFO. However, for background, I started my career in municipal government as a Deputy Treasurer in my hometown of Lincoln, from there I was Deputy Treasurer in Welland then Treasurer in West Lincoln (with a short stint as CAO). My first role in Peel Region was as Manager, Billing then Manager of Development Charge Financing and Financial Policy. I left Peel and worked in Hamilton as Manager, Accounting Services for a brief period and then came back to Peel as the Treasurer, Director of Corporate Finance for 6 years. I left Peel in the Fall of 2023.

My experience in all sizes and structures (lower, upper and single tier) really gives me a unique perspective. In general, no matter what size or structure many of our concerns are similar and MFOA as an organization can assist on advocacy and working with everyone in municipal finance. I am a huge advocate for stakeholder relations and training/development, and I believe collaboration is the key to success for the municipal finance sector.

MFOA is a massive resource for many finance staff across municipalities in Ontario and a great association that brings together local government finance officers in a very complex and constantly changing environment. I am honoured to be part of the Board of MFOA, and I am looking forward to my next 3-year term where I will serve in 2025 as Vice President. I am happy to continue my journey with MFOA and apply my knowledge and experience to assist my Board colleagues and the staff to serve the needs of my fellow municipal finance professionals.

Thank you and enjoy your summer! I hope to see you all in September at the conference.
stephanie.pngFinance colleagues, I look forward to continuing my work on the MFOA Board in the role of Vice President for 2025.

I am a seasoned
25Tiffany FarrellTiffany Farrell is a Chartered Professional Accountant specializing in municipal finance. Tiffany serves as the Director of Corporate Services for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre. Currently Tiffany serves as the Director of Corporate Services for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre, overseeing finance, information technology, communications, and human resources. Prior to joining Middlesex Centre, Tiffany was the Treasurer at the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich and a Manager in the Audit Division of Deloitte. Tiffany truly believes the success of any organization comes from a strong team effort. She is always exploring new ways to improve municipal services provided to residents and businesses, and looking for opportunities to increase government transparency, accountability, and efficiency.

Tiffany brings her more than 14 years of experience in managing the finances of smaller growing municipalities to the MFAO board. Despite having limited staff resources, finance officers in smaller municipalities must live up to the high professional standards and expectations of council, residents, and businesses. Tiffany’s experience allows the corporate services team at Middlesex Centre to continually “punch above their weight” when it comes to performance. For example, Tiffany has led the Corporate Services team in achieving the GFOA’s Budget Presentation award for three consecutive years. She is looking to share her best practices and to collaborate with other municipal financial officers to establish effective approaches to challenging issues.

Tiffany’s vision is for MFOA to have a larger presence like the US-based GFOA, becoming the premiere membership organization for all municipal treasurers and finance staff. Tiffany believes that MFOA is well positioned to work with other levels of government to ensure the municipal financial perspective is considered in the development and review of legislation prior to it coming into force. Tiffany wants to be part of the team pushing for MFOA’s voice to be heard at the table. Tiffany also sees the MFOA playing a role in setting best practices and standards for municipal budgets and other financial reporting in Ontario. By presenting financial data in easy- to-understand formats, municipal financial officers can build trust with residents and businesses that supports confidence in broader government policies and initiatives. As a board member, Tiffany would bring her passion and commitment of municipal fiscal responsibility to advance the objectives of MFOA. In the 2025-2027 term, Tiffany would focus on three key areas:

1) Continue the amazing work done to date on raising the profile of MFOA as the go-to organization for municipal finance, particularly with the Province as they develop new policies and legislation.

2) Engaging new members and establishing MFOA as the must-join organization for municipal finance staff across Ontario.

3) Undertaking a process to establish best practices and standards for municipal financial reporting in Ontario.

Tiffany welcomes the opportunity to be part of the MFOA board, working innovatively to raise the profile of municipal financial officers, to strengthen relationships among colleagues, and to build trust in municipal government.
tiffany.pngTiffany Farrell is a Chartered Professional Accountant specializing in municipal finance. Tiffany serves as the Director of Corporate Services for the Municipality of Middlesex Centre.
29Laura BartaAs a finance professional, I have worked in the municipal field since the early 2000’s. Much has changed over the years, and I credit MFOA for keeping me informed and trained to deal with the changes. That was one of the reasons I ran for the board initially and served for five years. In addition to board, I have also been a member of the ARO Working Group and other MFOA initiatives. I encourage my staff to participate in the working groups, discussion forums, training and all MFOA offerings as the knowledge they gain will benefit them throughout their career.

Currently, I am the Director of Finance/Treasurer with the Township of Scugog, a lower tier municipality in the Region of Durham. The Township has a population of 22,500 and although part of the GTA, has a large rural component.

What interests will you represent on the Board?

If elected, I will represent all members with a focus on small to mid-size municipal operations. It has been my experience that municipal professionals who work for smaller municipalities do not always have the time or capacity to be as up to date as the job requires. Having the MFOA provide training, updates, and forums for discussion all help to give that extra support that builds confidence.

What is your vision of where MFOA should be headed in the next ten years?

I would like to see the MFOA continue to provide support to municipalities through their interpretation of legislative requirements; continue to provide knowledge to existing members through webinar presentations and training sessions; and increase the efforts to ensure knowledge is passed from retiring professionals to those new to the field. Knowledge and understanding are critical to the success of a finance professional and MFOA must continue to focus on these offerings to keep their membership relevant.

Also important is the advocacy for municipal issues with the Province. MFOA speaks for all members with a voice that is knowledgeable and respected. I would like to see this advocacy continue and perhaps expand, as issues facing municipalities continually change and funding sources become even more difficult to find.

What will you accomplish as a Board member for the 2025-2027 term?

I think the MFOA should continue to promote the profession and encourage young professionals to embrace the challenge of municipal finance. I would also look for new ways to engage mature members in an effort to keep them motivated, engaged and informed. This engagement could be through an informal mentorship that draws on those with significant municipal accounting knowledge to pass it along to new professionals.

It is not always the most glamourous profession, but it is enjoyable when equipped with the right tools. I love what I do and would like to think that I can pass along my enthusiasm for the profession and for the MFOA as my accomplishment as a board member.
laura.pngAs a finance professional, I have worked in the municipal field since the early 2000’s. Much has changed over the years, and I credit MFOA
30David BaxterAn urban and rural small Municipality leader, and the recipient of the 2022 MFOA Engagement Award, I would be honored to serve on the Board. As the Director of Finance for Port Hope in Eastern Ontario, I have over a decade of experience in a Municipality involving many improvements and challenges. MFOA has been instrumental in my journey, from Training, Networking, Advocacy, to understanding Provincial Policy and providing opportunities for those in my staff team to also grow.

Working closely with MFOA staff and other Municipal Finance professionals as a member of the New Professionals Network Committee and subsequently the Professional Development Committee, each for several years, I have learned from many passionate leaders in our community and tried to have a positive influence – whether it be to support another peer, or as part of the Conference to support all of us.

I ask questions about the best approach to challenges, and the more I ask the more I have learned many others face similar circumstances. As a result, I have had the opportunity to partner with other leaders in our community and share knowledge though co-presenting about Municipal Finances and Local Boards (2019), mitigating COVID-19 (2020), Debt Management (2021), Lessons Learned from Modernization Funding (2022) and a Small Municipality Service Delivery Review case study (2022). Facilitating learning and sharing is a core function of MFOA, it needs to stay at the forefront to support our members.

MFOA can play a broader role in supporting all, but especially small, Municipalities improve efficiency and in doing so create opportunities that support more strategic focus and reduce work related stressors for members. Several examples of this are lean initiatives, more training for core functionality, facilitating modernization of policies that promote flexibility and efficiency, and tools to improve communicating and reporting to senior decision makers in simplified ways that leverage existing information.

I began my career in the private sector and moved to Municipal upon the encouragement of someone with experience. Our sector is going to be challenged by a shortage of Finance Professionals, increased awareness of the rewards of working in a Municipal Finance team would be a benefit to all. MFOA can play a key role in assisting all of us to expose and encourage new and experienced potential staff to Municipal sector opportunities.

I appreciate the nomination and welcome the opportunity to be more involved and give back to the MFOA. There is always room for growth, and I intend to support the great work of the MFOA. I would be honoured to receive your support in this year’s election.

Thank you very much for your consideration,

david.pngAn urban and rural small Municipality leader, and the recipient of the 2022 MFOA Engagement Award, I would be honored to serve on the Board.
23Gord QuintonAn experienced and well respected financial professional in Chatham-Kent where we “Cultivate Growth, Shore to Shore”, Gord has been instrumental in turning Chatham-Kent finances around and achieving high growth with fiscal responsibility. Chatham-Kent has become a destination for digital nomads and Canadians wanting a better life in a temperate rural / urban setting with a rich history in culture and agriculture. With some of the most challenging financial circumstances due to geography and low population density, Gord has been instrumental in bringing sensible but aggressive policies to Chatham-Kent to attract growth.

Gord is a current MFOA Board member, a Chartered Professional Accountant with an MBA and an Honours BA in Economics, and is the Chief Financial Officer / Treasurer and GM, Finance, Budget and Information Technology & Transformation at Chatham-Kent and is a key member of Chatham-Kent’s Executive Management Team. Gord has worked in municipal finance for 29 years and has progressed through roles of Financial Analyst, Supervisor of Accounting Operations, Director of Financial Services, Director, Budget and Performance Services in charge of preparing, presenting and managing Chatham-Kent’s $1.8+ Billion multi year budget. Gord is an active member and contributor to many municipal organizations, and has years of experience in other outside boards and volunteer committees.

Representing a rural/urban single tier municipality in the Western region of Ontario, Gord would continue to represent all types of Ontario municipalities on the MFOA Board of Directors. Chatham-Kent’s population is 110,000 and includes dozens of unique towns and villages each with their own prideful residents. Bringing consensus to tough challenges and consulting with all stakeholders is important. Over the next 10 years the MFOA has to ensure all areas of Ontario recover from the pandemic and ensure financial strengths of municipalities are not threatened. We need to continue MFOA’s leadership and support to all 444 municipalities. We need to lobby for enhanced permanent funding sources and a new deal with the Province, as too many social cost have been transferred to the property taxpayer. Federal transfers need to keep up with the affordable housing shortage and homelessness in today’s world. Municipalities need to lead our communities to a low carbon society with logical gradual transitions supported by all levels of government, and the MFOA needs to lead the policy and regulatory changes. Our financial challenges are changing but our infrastructure continues to age and need enhanced upper level supports along with reasonable property tax contributions. Gord will work hard with the MFOA Board to study the issues, bring forward workable solutions, and push hard to fund our Asset Management Plans and climate change solutions.

Thank you for your consideration for the MFOA Board of Directors.
gord.pngAn experienced and well respected financial professional in Chatham-Kent where we “Cultivate Growth, Shore to Shore”, Gord has been instrumental in turning Chatham-Kent finances around
26Roshan KantiyaI have honed exceptional organizational, financial analysis, and presentation skills in my two-decade-long professional journey. My expertise include: adeptly managing budgets, conducting detailed accounting analysis, crafting sound financial policies and overseeing taxation matters. Throughout the past twenty years of my professional journey, I have passionately dedicated myself to refining and consistently demonstrating my exceptional organizational skills and deep enthusiasm for my work. These core attributes have been crucial to my success in various areas.

By carefully allocating resources and tracking expenditures, I have contributed to the financial stability and success of the organizations I have been part of.

Conducting in-depth analysis of accounting data has been a key area of my expertise. By utilizing advanced financial analysis techniques, I have consistently provided valuable insights into financial trends and performance. This has been instrumental in enabling informed decision-making.

One of my key strengths is my ability to meticulously present financial reports to councils. Through clear and concise presentations, I have effectively communicated complex financial information to relevant stakeholders. This has facilitated well-informed decisions at the organizational level, demonstrating my commitment to transparent and effective communication.

By leveraging my expertise in finance and accounting, I have actively contributed to the development of sound financial policies that align with organizational objectives and regulatory requirements.

Drawing from my extensive experience across diverse industries and shouldering multifaceted responsibilities, I have acquired invaluable experiential knowledge, culminating in my current esteemed role as a Treasurer.

As a Director of Municipal Financial Officers, my primary focus will be to represent the interests of financial experts and address the intricate financial challenges various municipalities encounter. I am particularly drawn to the idea of utilizing this platform to advocate for comprehensive training programs aimed at honing the expertise of financial officers, thereby directly enhancing the overall quality of municipal services, especially programs like the Diploma in Municipal Financial Systems.

The Municipal Finance Officers Association (MFOA) will face significant challenges in the next decade due to changing economic conditions. In the short term, it is important to prioritize the development of comprehensive asset management policies, with a focus on implementing green asset management strategies. Additionally, MFOA needs to create sustainable financing solutions for aging populations. Municipalities also need to provide long-term, sustainable services to an aging population. Furthermore, a major challenge in the future will be the seamless integration of artificial intelligence into the municipal landscape.

Throughout my tenure as the Director from 2025 to 2027, my primary objectives will include the expansion and enhancement of training modules tailored for financial officers operating in the northern regions of Toronto. These training programs aim to equip financial officers with updated skills and knowledge relevant to the dynamic financial landscape. Concurrently, I will also concentrate on formulating and implementing policies designed to incentivize and increase the utilization of Green Assets within the Asset Management framework. This initiative serves the dual purpose of ensuring sustainable and environmentally conscious investment practices while fostering the growth of green and renewable assets within the financial domain.
roshan.pngI have honed exceptional organizational, financial analysis, and presentation skills in my two-decade-long professional journey. My expertise include: adeptly managing budgets, conducting detailed accounting analysis
32Ellen BoudreauAs a collaborative leader with a passion for finance, strategy and public service, I believe that together we can create a financially sustainable future.

With over 20 years of progressive leadership experience, including 12 years in both upper and lower tier municipal government, I bring extensive financial expertise, a proven track record for tackling complex issues and passion for public service.

In my current role as Director of Finance and Chief Financial Officer Housing York Inc. with The Regional Municipality of York, I lead the team responsible for operating and capital financial management, budgeting and treasury requirements for Housing York Inc., York Region’s housing corporation and the largest community housing provider in the Region.

In my previous role as Manager of Corporate Capital Budgeting in the Finance Department, I was accountable for leading development of York Region’s record-high $11.6 billion 10-year capital plan in alignment with corporate fiscal strategy, amidst many recent legislative changes and infrastructure funding challenges.

Prior to that, as Manager of Finance and Business Planning in the Corporate Services Department, I led all aspects of operating and capital budgeting, accounting and strategic planning, and implemented several significant process improvement initiatives such as financial dashboards and budget “story telling” focused on key messages for Council.

Prior to joining York Region in 2015, I spent three years with the City of Vaughan supporting commissions of Engineering and Public Works and Corporate Services. Prior to that, I worked ten years in the private sector with FedEx Canada and Teknion Furniture systems providing financial analysis and value-added advice to senior leadership teams.

I hold a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Schulich School of Business, York University. I am also a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).

Throughout these various roles, I remain dedicated to making a difference in our communities, mentoring junior finance professionals and building finance capacity in the sector.

Municipalities today are facing a number of financial challenges including funding growth in a sustainable manner, addressing infrastructure needs and aging assets, rising service delivery costs, changing customer expectations in a digital world, tackling the housing and homelessness crisis, and the impacts of climate change, among others. MFOA has played a critical role in bringing municipalities together to address these challenges, and in my opinion, this should remain the focus for the next ten years.

If elected as a Board member for 2025-2027, I would continue building on MFOA’ strengths of bringing municipal, provincial, federal and private sector partners together to share ideas and expertise, learn from one another and, most importantly, collaborate so that collectively we can move the needle on these critical issues. No one municipality or single level of government can resolve these issues on their own. By promoting advocacy and providing objective and timely feedback on legislative, budgetary and policy changes, we can help facilitate understanding and provide a coordinated and consistent voice for municipalities. Together, we can contribute to creating a more financially sustainable future!
ellen.pngAs a collaborative leader with a passion for finance, strategy and public service, I believe that together we can create a financially sustainable future.

21J. Michael McGovernJ. Michael McGovern CPA, CGA, Treasurer at Central Frontenac Township, board member since 2021. I have represented the interest of smaller municipalities passionately. I have also learned from the challenges faced by larger municipalities and applied them to our circumstances. I believe in the great work that MFOA does and will accomplish in the future. Therefore, I would love to have your support in being re-elected to a Director position on the board.

I will continue to contribute as a strong representative for smaller municipalities because I am dealing with the same issues. We have extremely limited resources to address the continued requirements with Asset Management & Proposed Levels of Service, Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO), Financial Instruments (FI), and upcoming changes related to Revenue, Purchased Intangibles, Public Private Partnerships, Financial Statement presentation & The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting in the Public Sector.

I would assist MFOA staff to ensure successful delivery of MFOA’s vision of “Leading to Connect, Inform, Equip and Empower Members” by drawing on my progressive eighteen years’ experience in the municipal finance world. I fully appreciate the need to assist Treasurers in smaller organizations to achieve our daily tasks and strategic changes that will improve efficiencies for our current and long-term finances. Central Frontenac Twp is in Eastern Ontario in the heart of the Land O’Lakes Region and Frontenac County, with a permanent population of approximately 4,600, and doubling in the summer.

Succession Planning is one of the other very important challenges at the forefront of our ever-changing landscape as Treasurers that I will represent passionately. I will help MFOA to promote the municipal world to entice new workers to join the our exciting adventure.

Where there are changes, there are always great questions. I will work hard with MFOA to help Treasurers understand the impact of those changes.

My vision of where MFOA should be headed in the next 10 years is to continue the great work they are doing to support municipalities, especially the smaller municipalities, with all the requirements facing us compared to our limited resources, but to also continue guiding us towards the North Star. I will also help fellow treasurers and finance staff increase efficiencies through software where applicable because it is the little wins that add up to less stressful days. Although we are very busy, I would like to help us with mindfulness in everything that we do, and to make the most of every moment!!

As a board member for the 2025-2027 term, I will do my part to guide MFOA along the right path in supporting all municipalities in their daily tasks. I will accomplish every task put in front of me to the best of my abilities through research & suggestions for any affordable ways to make our daily lives easier and represent our interests at the table.

Sincerely, THANK YOU in advance for your support!
michael.pngJ. Michael McGovern CPA, CGA, Treasurer at Central Frontenac Township, board member since 2021. I have represented the interest of smaller municipalities passionately. I have
24Greg ClarkGreg Clark is passionate about change, improving on what has come before while ensuring the organization is prepared and capable of taking on the challenge.

Currently the Director of Corporate Services, Treasurer/CFO at the Township of Wilmot, and leads a team that manages Finance, IT, Clerks, Bylaw and Asset Management.

He found his calling in the public sector, working at the City of Guelph for over 12 years to champion innovation and progress within the City’s capital planning and budgeting areas. Greg is a Prosci Certified Change Practitioner, using his skills and knowledge to spread the philosophy of change management. He has led large scale initiatives, such as Guelph’s ERP program which included the implementation of new software and transition of existing software across the organization. The success of these types of projects requires a focus on building a culture of change. Leading a team of 17 professionals from across multiple functions in preparing for this substantial change, he helped lay the foundation for the success of this project prior to moving to the City of London to become the Director of Capital Assets and Projects, leading a team overseeing Corporate Asset Management, growth capital funding and Tangible Capital Asset reporting.

The opportunity to further his career and have increased impact on cultural change led him to the Township of Wilmot. As part of the Corporate Leadership Team at the Township Greg continues to use his change management philosophy and skills to lead the organization as it focuses on implementing foundational policies and practices across the organization to enable progress in addressing financial pressures and organizational capacity constraints.

Greg is focused on seeing the municipal sector develop and implement new strategies to address the significant emerging financial challenges. He believes that a key to the success of any solution will be ensuring organizational culture has been developed that supports change and is able to manage the impacts to staff and citizens.

Greg graduated from McMaster University with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce and attained his CPA (CMA) designation.
greg.pngGreg Clark is passionate about change, improving on what has come before while ensuring the organization is prepared and capable of taking on the challenge.
28Sue DentThank you for taking time to consider re-electing me to the MFOA Board of Directors for the 2025-2027 term. It has been my pleasure to represent you since 2021. I hope to continue to be a voice for the small (under 5,000), northern (Blind River is on Highway 17 halfway between Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie), single-tier municipalities at the Board table.

Although I have been in Blind River for almost 7 years now (wow, time flies when you are having fun!), I also spent 17 years in Southern Ontario – 10 years at the City of Kitchener (Region of Waterloo) and 7 years with the Town of Saugeen Shores (Bruce County). This varied experience gives me a unique perspective on the differences in municipalities and highlights that there is no “one-size fits all”.

I believe strongly in the work that MFOA is doing on both the training and advocacy fronts. I will actively encourage MFOA to expand their eLearning and virtual training opportunities. This would be extremely valuable for those who are unable to take time away from the office or are restricted due to their remote locations and/or ever-tightening budgets. I will continue to support the MFOA staff to the best of my ability as they continue to advocate for all or the municipalities.

This is also an exciting time to be on the Board as we refresh MFOA’s Strategic Plan. This document will help guide the Board and staff in the coming years. I look forward to be able to contribute to this process and help shape that focus and direction.
sue.pngThank you for taking time to consider re-electing me to the MFOA Board of Directors for the 2025-2027 term. It has been my pleasure to
31Kelly WatkinsElected to the board would allow me to share my knowledge and advocate for the needs of small/ rural Treasurers who often face unique challenges. As the Treasurer for North Frontenac, I bring extensive experience from 18 years in North Frontenac, including the last 8 years as Treasurer and 2 years ago taking on the additional role as CAO Backup. I have been wanting to pursue a position on the MFOA board for sometime now but waited until a time when I felt I could dedicate the required time and commitment.

North Frontenac, a rural municipality, has experienced a substantial 20% population increase post-pandemic, exceeding prior projections and posing significant challenges in asset management, service delivery, and budgeting. I aim to bring this firsthand experience to the board to advocate effectively for municipalities facing similar growth and resource management issues.

In the next 10 years, I envision the MFOA continuing to advocate passionately for finance professionals in municipal settings, particularly those in smaller municipalities where staff often juggle numerous responsibilities. The MFOA's invaluable support and robust network empower finance staff by providing access to insights and solutions from peers who have navigated similar challenges. The changes and expectations never seem to slow down and I would like to be part of a team that will help with some of the heavy lifting for those that are struggling to get through their day to day expectations let alone the new legislation and reporting requirements that keep coming our way.

I am committed to supporting the MFOA in its advocacy for municipalities across the board. A key focus of mine is enhancing our recruitment strategies, especially attracting the younger generation. It’s evident that municipalities are grappling with recruitment challenges, and I believe proactive engagement starting from high school is crucial. By showcasing the fulfilling opportunities within the municipal sector early on, we can inspire and attract talented individuals to contribute to the future of our communities.
kelly.pngElected to the board would allow me to share my knowledge and advocate for the needs of small/ rural Treasurers who often face unique challenges.
27Maneesh KulalWhat interests will you represent on the Board as Director (geography, size, experience)?
On the Board Director for MFOA, I will represent diverse interests based on my extensive experience in various geographical locations and organizational sizes. I've served in finance roles for small municipalities and larger entities (Treasurer and Tax Collector for The Corporation of the Municipality of Whitestone, Director of Finance for the Municipality of Sanikiluaq in Nunavut, and Senior Accountant at Ganz in Toronto), providing a unique perspective on financial administration across different contexts. These experiences helped me understand municipal finance complexities, adapt to remote and smaller municipalities' challenges, tailor financial strategies to community needs, and grasp corporate financial practices and advanced accounting techniques. By representing these diverse experiences, I aim to bring a comprehensive and adaptable approach to the Board, effectively addressing and advocating for various geographical regions and organizational sizes within the MFOA.

What is your vision of where the MFOA should be headed in the next ten years?
My vision for the MFOA is to establish it as a leader in municipal financial management through innovation, inclusivity, and resilience. Focus areas include:
  1. Technological Advancements: Embrace cutting-edge technology to streamline financial processes, increase efficiency, and enhance accuracy, promoting advanced financial tools to improve Ontario's municipal operations.
  2. Professional Development: Invest in continuous professional development for municipal finance officers to equip them with the latest skills and knowledge.
  3. Sustainability and Resilience: Enhance collaboration, knowledge sharing, and collective expertise to address common municipal challenges. This approach can modernize municipal financial management, ensure fiscal responsibility, and foster sustainable community growth across Ontario.

What will you accomplish as a Board member for the 2025-2027 term?
During the 2025-2027 term, I will focus on achievable and impactful targets that align with my experience and the MFOA's needs:
  • Implement Best Practices for Financial Management: Develop workshops, webinars, and a repository of best practices and case studies to aid continuous improvement.
  • Expand Professional Development: Launch a mentorship program and targeted training on emerging financial regulations and technologies.
  • Promote Fiscal Responsibility and Resilience: Develop a toolkit for municipalities and advocate for regular financial health assessments.
  • Enhance Collaboration and Networking: Organize virtual roundtables and establish an online platform for member collaboration.
  • Increase Community Engagement and Financial Literacy: Launch initiatives to improve financial literacy in underserved areas, ensuring broad community participation.

By focusing on these achievable targets, I am committed to making a tangible impact during my term on the Board, supporting the professional growth of our members, and enhancing the financial health and resilience of municipalities across Ontario.
maneesh.pngOn the Board Director for MFOA, I will represent diverse interests based on my extensive experience in various geographical locations and organizational sizes. I've served
33Rebecca ClothierI am a dedicated advocate for small and rural municipalities with over 23 years of municipal experience in pivotal roles such as CAO and Treasurer. Currently, I serve as the Deputy CAO/Treasurer for the Township of Perth South, a municipality where I have worked for over 14 years. I am interested in a role with the MFOA Board of Directors to give back to the municipal sector by sharing my knowledge and experience and, at the same time, expanding my understanding of the municipal sector through collaboration with the association and other Board members.

My journey in the government sector began in 2001 with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as a Financial Officer. I continued this role with the City of London before transitioning to their Finance Department as a Financial Supervisor and Systems Coordinator. During my tenure with the City of London, I contributed to a provincial government advisory committee revising legislation for social housing funding.

I am a continuous learner, frequently taking new courses to broaden my knowledge base. I earned my CPA CGA designation in 2005, the Certified Municipal Officer (CMO) designation in 2015 from the Association of Managers, Clerks, and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), and the Certified Municipal Revenue Professional (CMRP) designation in 2018 from the Ontario Municipal Tax and Revenue Association (OMTRA).

Projects that I have worked on at the Township of Perth South have been recognized with MFOA's Leadership Award in both 2018 and 2023. These accolades reflect my commitment to excellence and innovation in municipal finance, and I am dedicated to bringing the same dedication to the MFOA Board of Directors.

I envision a future where MFOA not only continues its excellent work but also enhances information sharing and the development of best practices. We are all stronger when we work together, and I believe fostering a collaborative environment will lead to stronger, more resilient municipalities. Over the next decade, I would like to see the association receive greater recognition as a central hub for innovation and excellence in municipal financial governance.

As a board member, I am committed to:
  1. Promoting Municipal Finance Careers: I am passionate about attracting youth to the municipal sector. By highlighting the rewarding career opportunities in municipal finance, I hope to inspire the next generation of professionals.
  2. Fostering Greater Collaboration: Believing that “we are stronger when we work together,” I will advocate for increased collaboration among municipalities to share knowledge and resources effectively. Ensuring that future workers step into roles with robust policies and procedures is crucial.

With my extensive experience in both the provincial and municipal sectors, combined with my strategic vision and commitment to professional excellence, I am confident that I will be an asset to the Board of Directors.
rebeccac.pngI am a dedicated advocate for small and rural municipalities with over 23 years of municipal experience in pivotal roles such as CAO

Vice President - Acclaimed


Director - Three (3) to be elected


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