MFOA_Policy_Projects/Primer_Reserves_Reserve_Funds.aspx | A Primer on Reserves and Reserve Funds | 8/28/2024 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | How do reserves and reserve funds work? This is a primer to answer your questions! |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Water_Wastewater_MSCs.aspx | Water and Wastewater Municipal Service Corporations | 7/3/2024 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA has co-developed a background document with AMO on Municipal Services Corporations for water and wastewater services. The document is intended as a resource for municipalities exploring the MSCs as a delivery option |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Housing_Hub.aspx | MFOA's Housing Hub | 5/9/2024 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | This page will be updated with MFOA's resources related to housing issues. Recently added: MFOA's submission on Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Express_and_Bare_Trusts.aspx | Express and Bare Trusts | 3/1/2024 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA has submitted a letter on the new reporting requirements for express and bare trusts. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MMAH_Inventory_Required_Municipal_Reports.aspx | Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's Inventory of Required Municipal Reports | 1/21/2022 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MMAH has worked closely with ministry partners to update and validate changes made to the 2019 inventory with the goal of identifying further reporting reductions and producing a snapshot of municipal reporting requirements across government. The pro |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/OMERS_Letter_of_Support.aspx | OMERS Letter of Support | 12/6/2021 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA has written a letter in support of the position statement issued by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and Municipal Employer Pension Centre Ontario. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/municipal_debt.aspx | Municipal Debt Report Series | 10/20/2021 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | This report series is part of the Municipal Debt Project, which was initiated as a response to questions from MFOA members regarding good practices around the use of debt, and recommended analytics to support decision-making around debt financing. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Response_to_NIA.aspx | MFOA's Response to the National Infrastructure Assessment | 7/6/2021 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA's has submitted a response to Infrastructure Canada's National Infrastructure Assessment. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Advocates_One_Year_AM_Extension.aspx | MFOA Advocates for a One Year Extension of AM Deadlines | 2/16/2021 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA's has submitted a letter to MOI requesting a one-year extension of deadlines in O. Reg. 588/17: Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure under the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act, 2015 |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/COVID19.aspx | MFOA Response to COVID-19 and Resources for Municipalities | 2/16/2021 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | Visit this page for the latest COVID-19 updates in relation to MFOA operations, as well as useful resources for your municipal operations. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Responds_CD_Howes_2020_Municipal_Scorecard.aspx | MFOA Responds to C. D. Howe's 2020 Municipal Scorecard | 1/21/2021 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA released the paper "Fixated on a tree, Missing the Forest" in response to the C.D. Howe Institute's latest publication “Time for an Upgrade: Fiscal Accountability in Canada’s Cities, 2020”. The purpose of this response is to review these recomme |
Policy/MFOA_Responds_CD_Howes_2020_Budget_Report.aspx | MFOA Responds to C. D. Howe's 2020 Budget Report | 12/7/2020 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | Since 2011, the C.D. Howe Institute has argued for one particular set of changes using a headline-friendly rating system and eyebrow-raising report titles. The purpose of this response is to review these recommendations; point out areas where the Ins |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Letter_on_Water_Wastewater_DCs.aspx | MFOA Letter on the Consequences of Eliminating Water/Wastewater DCs | 11/12/2020 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA has submitted a letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the topics of Water/Wastewater Development Charges. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Bill108_More_Homes_More_Choice_Act.aspx | MFOA's Hub for Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 | 11/3/2020 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | On May 2, 2019, the Government of Ontario introduced Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019. The Bill aims to address housing supply in Ontario and amends a number of Acts including the Development Charges Act, 1997 and the Planning Act, 1990. V |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Open_Letter_to_Premier_Ford.aspx | MFOA's Open Letter to Premier Ford on Pandemic Response | 9/1/2020 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA's President Trevor Pinn has submitted an open letter to Premier Ford on the Province's efforts on the COVID-19 pandemic response. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Financial_Implications_of_COVID19.aspx | Financial Implications of COVID-19 | 8/11/2020 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | Our first and second report on the financial implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for municipalities and recommendations for support from other orders of government. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/OMPF.aspx | Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund | 2/3/2020 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | The Provincial Government is currently reviewing the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund. This page will continue to be updated on news related to the OMPF. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Changes_to_Construction_Act.aspx | Preparing for Changes to the Construction Act (2019) | 5/2/2019 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | Significant changes are coming to the Construction Act in October 2019. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/cra_letter_expense_allowance.aspx | Letter from the CRA on Expense Deductions for Municipal Officers | 4/1/2019 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | Letter from the CRA on the matter of expense allowance for municipal officers. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Response_to_HSAP.aspx | MFOA's Technical Response to the Housing Supply Action Plan | 2/1/2019 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA's technical response to the consultation for the Housing Supply Action Plan. The response dispels myths around development charges and explains how DCs benefit communities. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/who_pays_for_growth.aspx | Who Pays for Growth? | 1/30/2019 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | To help dispel myths surrounding development charges, MFOA has produced an infographic "Who Pays for Growth?" |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Submission_OMERS_CPR.aspx | MFOA's Submission on the OMERS Comprehensive Plan Review | 11/14/2018 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA has submitted comments to the OMERS Sponsor Corporation Board of Directors on the proposed changes to the OMERS Plan. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/2017_Policy_Survey.aspx | 2017 Policy Survey Results | 7/31/2017 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA has completed its 2017 Policy Survey. These findings provide staff with information to help guide future policy direction. Learn more about what our members said. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Submission_DC_Exemption_Second_Unit_Homes.aspx | MFOA's Submission on DC Exemption for Second Units in New Homes | 6/16/2017 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA's submission to the proposed amendments to O. Reg. 82/98 (General) under the Development Charges Act, 1997. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Municipal_Reporting_Burden.aspx | Municipal Reporting Burden | 5/25/2017 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | "A Report about Reporting" is a research study on the reporting burden for Ontario municipalities. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/CDS_Fee_Proposal_for_Municipal_Debentures_2015_2016.aspx | CDS Fee Proposal for Municipal Debentures 2015/2016 | 7/30/2016 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | Major changes to the CDS fee schedule are expected to come into effect in 2015, which will significantly increase the costs to municipalities issuing debentures. MFOA has sent two letters to CDS requesting a meeting to discuss some of the identified |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/Municipal_Concerns_with_Grant_Reporting.aspx | Municipal Concerns with Grant Reporting | 7/27/2016 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | A group of municipalities is actively working to streamline financial reporting related to provincial grants and transfers. The first phase of this project - developing an inventory of municipalities' priority concerns - is now complete. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Responds_to_CD_Howes_Budget_Commentary.aspx | MFOA Responds to C. D. Howe's Budget Commentary | 7/18/2016 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | While we share C. D. Howe’s goal of making budgets more understandable and municipal finance officers are committed to continuous improvement, we do not see their recommendations as making improvement in this area. |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/BLTFAG.aspx | BLTFAG | 6/14/2016 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | The Municipal Budgeting and Long-Term Financial Planning Action Group (Action Group), facilitated by the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA), was created as a forum for municipal stakeholders to collaborate on practical and actionable ideas t |
MFOA_Policy_Projects/MFOA_Letter_to_Colleges_and_Universities_Offer_(More)_Municipal_Course_Content.aspx | MFOA Letter to Colleges and Universities: Offer (More) Municipal Course Content | 6/11/2016 12:00:00 AM | Policy Advocacy | MFOA encourages Ontario colleges and universities to offer more municipal course content in an effort to heighten students' municipal literacy and interest in municipal employment. |