Building an AM Decision-making Framework

Building an AM Decision-making Framework
This session will provide a high-level overview of how to develop an AM decision-making framework using the various components of the AMP. This session is designed to provide an overview of how level of service analysis, lifecycle activities options and financing strategy inputs can be used to develop the plan – where the challenges and opportunities identified through the AM inputs can be addressed or leveraged in a strategic manner.

What You will Learn:
Topics we will seek to address in the webinar include
  • Defining the role of other documents, such as master plans, inspection reports and needs assessments, in the decision-making process, and understanding their relationship to the asset management plan.
  • Understanding the role of risk and criticality in the decision-making process.
  • Understanding the right level of detail needed in the asset inventory and performance tracking to support decision making.
  • Designing and documenting effective processes to keep asset management information up-to-date and relevant to decision making.

Who Should Attend:
Local government staff that are interested in integrating the asset management plan with other municipal decision-making processes (e.g., budgeting, rate setting, etc.)

Benefits of Attending:
Participants can expect to
  • Gain a clear understanding of the range of roles that the asset management plan can play in the broader asset management decision-making framework.
  • Gain insights into how to begin building an asset management decision-making framework that is aligned with your organizational structure, internal processes, resources, and systems.

  • About your Webinar Leader:
    Peter Simcisko, 
    Managing Partner, Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.

    Peter Simcisko is a managing partner with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and leads the firm’s asset management practice. He has assisted numerous municipalities with preparation of asset management policies, municipal action plans, asset management software implementations, and preparation of comprehensive asset management plans. Peter has undertaken a number of presentations related to asset management at conferences, including the Municipal Finance Officers’ Association of Ontario (MFOA), the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), and the Canadian Network of Asset Managers (CNAM). Since joining the firm in 2013, Peter has also assisted numerous municipalities with development charges studies, water, wastewater, and stormwater rate studies, water financial plans, and user fee studies.
    6/9/2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

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