Reserves and Reserve Funds 101
Reserves and Reserve Funds 101
The Reserves & Reserve Funds workshop is designed to provide the attendee with a full perspective of the creation and use of reserves and reserve funds. The workshop is targeted towards those involved with capital and operating budgets, long term financial planning, and management of Development Charge Reserve Funds and Asset Management.

This workshop will focus on various elements of the Reserves and Reserve fund use including:
  • What are Reserves vs. Reserve Funds
  • Legislative Requirements
  • Current use of reserves and reserve funds in Ontario
  • Establishing Reserve and Reserve fund policies
  • Reporting Reserve & Reserve Funds (including Bill 23 and Bill 108 Requirements for Development Charges and Planning Act Charges)
  • How to determine reserve adequacy and sustainable contribution rates
  • Sampling of Best Practices in Ontario Including 3 case studies

The workshop will be examining the use of Reserve and Reserve Funds in Ontario including developing policies for the creation and maintenance of reserves/reserve funds, mandatory reporting under the Planning Act and Development Charges Act, integrating their use in long term financial planning and establishing corporate policies. Attendees will also work on some hand-on examples to develop a familiarity with the concepts and policies.

Speaker – Gary Scandlan, Director, Watson & Associates Economists Ltd.
Gary Scandlan has over 40 years of experience with Long Range Financial Planning, Capital and Operating Budgeting, establishing Development Charges and various other Fees and Charges. He is a Managing Partner with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., one of Canada’s leading economic consulting firms. Established in 1982, they offer a comprehensive range of fiscal planning and policy services to clients in government and the private sector throughout Ontario and other provinces of Canada.
Discounted member price: 319.00
You could save: 32.0%

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